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PA Farmers Call for Moratorium on Unconventional Gas Extraction

June 12, 2012

The Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA),  the largest statewide, member-based sustainable farming organization in the United States, has just asserted publicly its position calling for a moratorium on unconventional gas extraction. After over a year of discussion, research, and thoughtful consideration among its members, PASA’s statement, issued Monday June 11th 2012, calls for a moratorium:

until it is determined that this practice will not impair the ability of farms to profitably produce healthy food while respecting Pennsylvania’s air quality, water resources and the natural environment.

“Best and brightest” PA farmers say shale industry threatens future of farming

Organic farmer and PASA member Stephen Cleghorn of Jefferson County was jubilant about PASA’s strong stand. Cleghorn commented today,

Shale gas supporters and the public must take note that this organization of 6,000 mostly Pennsylvanian farmers that feeds them is telling the shale gas industry to stop what they are doing.  The best and brightest of the sustainable agriculture movement have recognized that shale gas extraction as presently practiced is a threat to the future of farming.” – Stephen Cleghorn, Paradise Gardens and Farm, Reynoldsville, PA

PASA affirmed its support for the study of health impacts and cumulative impacts of the full life-cycle impacts from the unconventional gas drilling, or “fracking,” which has already taken place:

PASA supports: Assuring the highest quality of life for the farming community and the environment in all aspects of natural gas extraction through unbiased, third party studies of the long-term impacts. These studies must assess the impacts on the environment and public health, including an in-depth look at the integrity, health and long term sustainability of our food supply.

Read PASA’s complete one-page statement here.

According to their website, PASA brings farmers together to learn from each other and to build relationships between farmers and people looking for fresh, wholesome, locally and sustainably produced food.

PASA seeks to improve the economic viability, environmental soundness and social responsibility of food and farming systems in Pennsylvania and across the country. We place great value on efforts to build bridges between broadly diverse participants in the agricultural industry, from “farm to fork.”

PASA grew out of the need for an educational and support system for farmers – both experienced and beginning – interested in non-traditional agricultural practices, such as organic, biodynamic and grass-based farming, as well as the desire to create local markets for sustainably produced food.

PASA’s mission is the underlying theme of all of our programs – promoting profitable farms that produce healthy food for all people while respecting the natural environment – as our work is rooted in education and support for farmers, and outreach to the general public.

  1. June 13, 2012 1:13 am

    Thank you for coming to this conclusion! Totally agree! We need to ban fracking. Please sign these three and all the others you come across. Signatures = change! Thanks for all you are doing!



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