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Video: Chesapeake Energy Frack Spill in Leroy, Bradford County PA

April 28, 2011

Amidst the constant noise of heavy truck traffic hauling drilling and fracking supplies, residents of Bradford County Pennsylvania tell of their experience living at ground zero.  Bradford County is the center of the natural gas industrialization process in the State.  Many of these people have had their private water wells contaminated or now have health problems due to industry contamination and pollution.

This video reports not only on last week’s spill, but on a stunning example of serious health impacts from gas drilling in Bradford County: Crystal Stroud describes the numbness, racing heart, and cognitive impairment she experienced due to a near-lethal level of barium in her blood, confirmed by tests.

Shortly after Chesapeake Energy lost control of flowback at a nearby well, spilling thousands of gallons of toxic fracking fluids into nearby Towanda creek and necessitating the evacuation of surrounding families, attorney Todd O’Malley held a press conference.

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